====== OBAI Brause ====== {{tag>project event workshop chemistry nom }} ===== Workshop #1 Ergebnis ===== - Sugar 77% - Guarana 12% - Citric Acid 5.3% - Sodiumbicarbonate 2.6% - Aroma 1.7% - Caffeine 1.4% CA:SBC ratio should be 2.2:1 for optimal chemical reaction ===== Shopping List and Stock for 30c3 ===== Target: 10 kg final product = 2800 units of 3.5 g ^Item ^Amount ^Done ^ |Label Sticker |3000 pcs |✓| |Sugar |8 kg |✓| |Guarana |1.2 kg |✓| |Citric Acid |700 g |✓| |Sodiumbicarbonate |2.2 kg |✓| |Aroma Cherry/Green Apple |250 g |✓| |Aroma Berries |250 g |✓| |Caffeine |180 g |✓| |Maltodextrin |1.5 kg |✓| |Gel-pill blanks, size 0|500 pcs |✓| |Gel-pill filling helper, size 0|1 pc |✓| |PC tubes 12x75 mm |3000 pcs |✓| |Plugs 12 mm, blue |3000 pcs |✓| |Nitril gloves L |300 pcs |✓| |Nitril gloves M |300 pcs |✓| |Single use spoons ||✓| |Plastic bowls||✓| |Saran wrap||| |Paper towels||✓| |Bucket (for cleaning water)||✓| |m1k3y's filling machine||| |Tube holders||✓| |Safety goggles||| |Safety datasheets||✓| |Instruction sheets||| |Safety waver form||| |Cash box||✓| |Funnel||✓| |Scale||✓| |Fine-Scale||✓| ---- ===== Ingredients ===== * Sugar * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00DFS5IC4/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Caffeine]] (not needed if you want to use guarana) (datasheet: [[http://www.carlroth.com/media/_de-de/sdpdf/N815.PDF|de]], [[http://www.carlroth.com/media/_en-nl/sdpdf/A527e.PDF|en]]) * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B008AI1YUY/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Citric Acid]] (datasheet: [[http://www.carl-roth.de/jsp/de-de/sdpdf/X863.PDF|de]], [[http://www.carlroth.com/jsp/en-com/sdpdf/X863e.PDF|en]]) * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00ALSHMA2/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Sodiumbicarbonate]] (datasheet: [[http://www.carlroth.com/media/_de-ch/sdpdf/HN01.PDF|de]], [[http://www.carlroth.com/media/_en-ch/sdpdf/K020e.PDF|en]]) * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B007SN3TVO/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Guarana]] (datasheet: [[http://www.carlroth.com/media/_de-de/sdpdf/A527.PDF|de]], [[http://www.carlroth.com/media/_en-nl/sdpdf/A527e.PDF|en]]) * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00AC0X4D8/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Maltodextrin]] (datasheet: [[http://www.applichem.com/fileadmin/datenblaetter/A4804_de_DE.pdf|de]], [[http://datasheets.scbt.com/sc-207840.pdf|en]]) * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00FKZFPZK/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Aroma: Cherry / Green Apple]] (pick any you like) ===== Packaging ===== * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B007W36UAM/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Test Tubes (Polystyrol)]] * [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00DT4BNYG/ref=nosim?tag=nrrdde-21|Plugs]] ===== Reverse engineer dat shit ===== Values known with OHAI being the direct source are printed in bold. Order of ingredients by weight: Zucker, Guarana Extrakt (Träger: Maltodextrin, 2.5g Coffein/100g Brause), Citronensäure, Natriumbicarbonat, Maltodextrin, Aromen (Source: 1) Assuming all caffeine is added specifically and not attributed to guarana (this is wrong): ^Ingredient ^Weight [g] ^Calories [kcal] ^Comment ^Sources ^ |Sugar | **3**| 12|4 kcal/g |1,3 | |Guarana extract | | |0.621 kcal/g, 4-6% caffeine |1,5,6 | | - Maltodextrin | 1.55| 6|3.87 kcal/g |1,4 | | - Caffeine | **0.125**| | |1,2 | |Citric acid | | | |1 | |Sodium bicarbonat | | | |1 | |Aroma | | | |1 | |unaccounted | 0.325| 0| | | |Total | **5**| **18**| |1,2 | If all caffeine content is from guarana alone there's between 2.08 g and 3.125 g of guarana in the mix (100 / [4,6] % * 0.125 g) (source: 5). This would also add between 1.29 g and 1.94 g of starch ([2.08, 3.125] g * 0.621 gkcal/g) which would amount to between 4.54 to 6.81 kcal (source: 6). ^Ingredient ^Weight [g] ^Calories [kcal] ^Comment ^Sources ^ |Sugar | **3**| 12|4 kcal/g |1,3 | |Guarana extract | 2.08-3.125| 4.54-6.81|0.621 kcal/g, 4-6% caffeine |1,5,6 | | - Maltodextrin | | |3.87 kcal/g |1,4 | | - Caffeine | **0.125**| | |1,2 | |Citric acid | | | |1 | |Sodium bicarbonat | | | |1 | |Aroma | | | |1 | |unaccounted | -[0.08-1.125]| 0| | | |Total | **5**| **18**| |1,2 | Sources: - OHAI package - [[http://ohaibrause.tumblr.com/post/64506964109|OHAI Brause Official Tumblr]] - [[http://www.gutefrage.net/frage/wieviel-kalorien-hat-zucker|gutefrage.net: Zucker]] - [[http://gesuender-abnehmen.com/abnehmen/naehrwerte-kalorien-maltodextrin-19.html|gesuender-abnehmen.com: Maltodextrin]] - [[http://fddb.info/db/de/lebensmittel/diverse_sinfo_guarana_pulver_kba/index.html|fddb.info: Guarana]] - [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guaran%C3%A1#Inhaltsstoffe|Wikipedia: Guarana]] - [[http://www.fettrechner.de/St%E4rke-kalorien/R470000|fettrechner.de: Stärke]] ===== Other sources and recipes ===== The ratio of key ingredients is denoted as sodiumbicarbonate/citric acid/sugar - 1/2/15 http://zuckerzimtundliebe.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/jeannys-selbstgemachte-sprutzelige-sausebrause-picknick-post-aus-meiner-kueche/ - 0.5 tsp baking powder - 1 tsp citric acid - 2.5 tbsp powdered sugar - 1/2/1 http://www.ichkoche.at/frische-brause-selbst-gemacht-der-prickelnde-kick-auch-fuer-diabetiker-rezept-19471 - 20 g Natron - 40 g Apfelsäure (Acidum malicum) - 40 g Sorbit (Statt des Sorbit kann auch 20 Gramm Feinzucker verwendet werden.) - 5 drop Ätherisches natürliches Zitronen- oder alternativ Orangenöl - 1 g Speisefarbenpulver - jeweils nach Wunsch - 1/250/250 http://www.helpster.de/brausepulver-selber-machen-so-wird-s-prickelig-blubberig_76206 - 0.004 tbsp (3 Messerspitzen) Natronpulver - 1 tbsp Wein- oder Zitronensäure - 1 tbsp Zucker - 1 tbsp Instant-Götterspeise - 1/1/6 http://www.nela-forscht.de/2011/09/08/brause-selber-machen/ - 0.5 tsp Natron - 0.5 tsp Zitronensäure - 3 heaped tsp Zucker - getrocknetes Aroma - 1/1/2 http://www.kidspot.com.au/best-recipes/Kids-cooking+5/Sherbet-recipe+639.htm - 1 tsp baking soda - 1 tsp citric acid - 2 tsp icing sugar - 3 tsp jelly crystals (any flavour you like) - 1/1/48 http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Sherbet - 1 tsp baking soda - 1 tsp citric acid - 1 cup icing sugar