
Writing It Down Makes It Science

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? (1)

Figuratively you could argue that your hacks/projects didn't happen without providing documentation - or at least the documentation would add significant value by enabling others to not make the same mistakes or advancing directly on your foundation.

If you happen to have a list of thing that you always wanted to write documentation on at some point - seize this opportunity and do it.

Status of the project or even if it was a success or not is irrelevant.

Cult of done-manifesto +

As supporters of the Cult of done-manifesto we thought it needed a small addition

documentation hints


  1. Projektnamen ausdenken.
  2. Sammeln was schon da ist:
    • PCBs
    • Sample Output
    • Bilder
    • Plaene
    • Text
  3. Bilder machen nachholen und auf ein Bilder-Portal stellen:
    • Google+ Bilder (einfachste Moeglichkeit)
    • oder twitter bilder oder mit ins git repo
  4. (optional) Code auf github oder not github stellen
  5. Lizenz drauf (und wenn es nur WTFPL ist)wtfpl
  6. Readme schreiben
    • Wofuer ist das ding und was tut es?
    • Was braucht man fuer die Installation/ den Zusammenbau
    • Wie wird es verwendet/gestartet
  7. Im Internet damit angeben:
    • Auf eurem Twitter/Facebook/IRC euer Fertiges Projekt posten
    • Evtl nen Blog Post draus machen?
    • Evtl nach Hackaday?

Session 1: härter-dokumentieren Sonntag