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project:beta-layout:pcbprinter:double-sided_printing [2012-08-08 11:59] – angelegt [2012-11-01 08:57] – AIHgfJrYIaTBWhFUR
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== pcb-printer: Double-sided printing ====== +If you want to get read, this is how you solhud write.
-{{tag>project hardware pcb electronics process infrastructure}} +
- +
-  * Challenge: Get top and bottom layer to align +
-  * Improved process draft: +
-    - Prepare layout: +
-      * Eventually panelize small PCBs for better yieldcheck [[]] +
-      * Put four markers arranged in a rectangle outside of actual PCB area +
-        * Markers are a 1mm diameter circular dot with a small hole surrounded by a thin 3mm diameter circle on both top and bottom layer +
-      * Here's an example: {{}} +
-    - Before printing, make sure that *no* layer has features reaching beyond the markers +
-      * Otherwise, the markers will shift slightly when mirroring the layout during printing +
-      * The tNames/bNames or tValue/bValue text is a likely candidate for this +
-      * Fix: Smash the offending parts, delete the text  +
-    - Tape a piece of paper to the bottom of the tray, print the top layer to it +
-      * We need the markers for later +
-    - Cut the PCB into size +
-      * Saves etching solution and time +
-      * It might be a good idea to file away the burrs (DE: Grat), they'll wreck cloth and paper during cleaning and priming +
-    - Clean and prime the PCB, put it into the tray so that it covers the print on paper, print the top layer, cure ink as usual +
-    - Drill two 1.5-2mm holes through the exact center of two of the markers +
-      * Copper is hard to drill, don't use your precious PCB drills for this +
-      * Try to make this drill as precise as possible, your layer alignment will depend on it +
-      * What worked for me: Prime the drill with a _precise_ punch mark (I used a large screw and a hammer), position the drill without power, then start drilling +
-    - Remove the copper burr (DE: Grat) on the other side! +
-      * Don't forget this, or the print head will scratch across the burr and smear ink! +
-      * I used a larger drill that I simply turned by hand +
-    - Clean & prime the still-empty PCB side +
-    - Put the PCB on the tray and align it so that the marker dots are in the exact center of the holes you drilled +
-      * Hence the circular shapes -- the human eye can see deviations from a circular shape pretty well +
-      * If your holes came out slightly misplaced, use the two most precise holes for this and take into account their misalignment +
-    - Fix the PCB in place +
-      * The primer will prevent some tapes from sticking properly, maybe double sided tape to the rescue +
-      * Or just tape the PCB in place before priming and prime later +
-    - Print the bottom layer (mirrored!) and cross your fingers +
-      * The outer circles of the markers can be compared against the drill holes to verify alignment +
-    - If alignment is "good enough", cure ink and etch+
friedhof/beta-layout/pcbprinter/double-sided_printing.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020-07-20 10:10 von neos