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project:rainbow_square [2011-12-17 13:10] – KXfYTAZOyTLrZRd [2012-03-02 16:24]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-Created the gretaset articles, you have.+====== Project RAINBOW SQUARE ====== 
 +{{tag>project photography howto]] 
 +Inspired by [[|"Cadavre Exquis"]] we're going to start our own random and possibly endless cycle of photos! 
 +===== Organization ===== 
 +  * [[Leute:hadez]] 
 +  * [[leute:joachimfenkes]] 
 +Drop me a mail if you have any questions or want to join (see below for the info I'd need). 
 +|Official twitter hashtag |[[|#rbsq]]                                | 
 +|Mailing list             |[[|]] | 
 +|Website                  |[[|]][[|]]       | 
 +|shackspace gallery       |[[|Projekte/RAINBOW SQUARE]] | 
 +|flickr gallery           |[[|RAINBOW SQUARE]] | 
 +===== How does it work? ===== 
 +There's basically a central organizer and a set of players. 
 +  * A player is picked at random from the pool of available players at the time. 
 +  * The player then takes a photo and submits this photo to the organizer. 
 +  * The organizer picks another player at random who is sent the photo taken by the previous player. 
 +  * The new player now 'answers' (within a week) to the previously taken photo based on: content, color, form, topic. 
 +  * The photo is again sent to the organizer and so it keeps going. 
 +Once answered, photos are put up in a gallery to be viewed in the order they were taken. 
 +This means that the latest photo taken is only known by its photographer and the one having to answer. This minimizes influences on the creative choice of the one having to answer next by comments on the latest photo. 
 +===== Requirements ===== 
 +  * Please only send in photos you actually took yourself! 
 +  * You can use editing to enhance your photo or bring out a feeling you want to convey. But please don't submit 'shops' or montages. 
 +  * You agree that you release your contribution to the project under a [[|Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license]] ([[|legal code]]) 
 +===== Can I join? ===== 
 +Yes! Most definitely! \\ 
 +This event is meant to broaden our creative reach beyond the hackerspace. What this means is that we're explicitly asking **you** to join, //even if you're not a member// of our hackerspace. 
 +Just drop a mail to with 
 +  * the subject "[RAINBOW SQUARE]" 
 +  * the name you want to be cited with 
 +  * the email address we should use to contact you and send photos to 
 +===== What kind of equipment do I need? ===== 
 +A camera. 
 +It really doesn't matter if it's a 5000 EUR DSLR or a cellphone cam. 
 +It's not the equipment that takes photos, it's the person behind the device, selecting the frame and controlling the shutter. 
 +===== Players ====== 
 +==== Round 1 (managed by hadez) ==== 
 +This round is finished. 
 +View the results in the [[|RAINBOW SQUARE 01 Flickr set]]. 
 +^Waiting           ^Active ^Done      ^ 
 +|                  | |[[|Jasper]]    | 
 +|                  | |[[|jotka0711]] | 
 +|                  | |[[|Susi]]      | 
 +|                  | |[[|hadez]]     | 
 +|                  | |Julius (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |Java (Timeout)   | 
 +|                  | |[[|pfleidi]]   | 
 +|                  | |[[|rasda]]     | 
 +|                  | |[[|jocki]]     | 
 +|                  | |[[|plastikblumen]] | 
 +|                  | |[[|maethor]]          | 
 +|                  | |[[|Georg]]     | 
 +|                  | |[[|EvilElvis]]          | 
 +|                  | |ds (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |[[|achimh]]       | 
 +|                  | |linux-frickler (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |Phil (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |[[|sirmarcel]] | 
 +|                  | |dunkelstern (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |Blubser (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |facesbyandy (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |[[|momorientes]]| 
 +|                  | |Natalia Schuchardt (Timeout) | 
 +|                  | |Karo (Timeout)| 
 +|                  | |h0uz3 (Timeout)| 
 +|                  | |[[|lostabit]]| 
 +|                  | |Kubasa (Timeout)| 
 +|                  | |[[|diablo83]]| 
 +|                  | |[[|Andi]]| 
 +|                  | |[[|Mephisto]]| 
 +==== Round 2 (managed by Jocki) ==== 
 +^Waiting           ^Active                                  ^Done      ^ 
 +| | |[[|momorientes]]| 
 +| | |[[|diablo83]]| 
 +| | |[[|Java]]| 
 +| | |[[|facesbyandy]]| 
 +| | |[[|Andi]]| 
 +| | |[[|Jocki]]| 
 +| | |[[|hadez]]| 
 +| | |[[|rasda]]| 
 +| | |[[|lostabit]]| 
 +| | |EvilElvis (Timeout)| 
 +| | |[[|linux-frickler]]| 
 +| | |dunkelstern (Timeout)| 
 +| | |ds (Timeout)| 
 +| | |[[|Georg]]| 
 +| | |plastikblumen (Timeout)| 
 +| | |pfleidi (Timeout)| 
 +| | |[[|Susi]]| 
 +| | |h0uz3 (Timeout)| 
 +| | |[[|sirmarcel]]| 
 +| | |[[|jotka0711]]| 
 +| | |Phil (Timeout)| 
 +| | |maethor (Timeout)| 
 +| | |Blubser (Timeout)| 
 +| | |[[|Jasper]]| 
 +| | |Julius| 
 +| |**Karo** (Timeout 2011-03-05 23:59)| | 
 +|Mephisto| | | 
 +===== Nerd Stuff Here ===== 
 +==== Scheduler ==== 
 +We're going to use a slightly modified version of the Linux O(1) scheduler as devised by [[|Ingo Molnár]]. 
 +Here's how we'll select the random player: 
 +  * there's two player pools, 'waiting' and 'done' 
 +  * start: all players are in 'waiting', none are in 'done' 
 +  * a random player is selected from 'waiting' 
 +  * player submits photo-answer within the defined timeout period (1 week) 
 +  * either way (timeout or not) the player will be moved into the 'done' queue 
 +  * a new random player will be selected from 'waiting' and sent the most recent photo available 
 +  * if there's no more players in 'waiting', the two pools are switched and all players become 'waiting' again 
 +  * ad infinitum 
 +If a new player joins, he's added to the 'waiting' queue immediately. 
 +==== Random Selection Algorithm ==== 
 +Right now the random selection is done using a small perl script: 
 +  #/usr/bin/perl 
 +  @players = ( 
 +    'nick1',   # in 'waiting' 
 +    #'nick2',  # already played, in 'done' 
 +    #..., 
 +    'nickN'); 
 +  srand (time ^ $$ ^ unpack "%L*", `ps axww | gzip -f`); 
 +  print "next player: ".$players[int(rand($#players))]."\n"; 
 +==== Image Renaming ==== 
 +  #!/usr/bin/perl 
 +  # ./ <image> <alternate name> 
 +  $MD5 =`md5sum "$ARGV[0]"`; 
 +  $MD5 =~ m/^(\S+)/; 
 +  $MD5=$1.'.jpg'; 
 +  $LINK=$ARGV[1].'.jpg'; 
 +  system "mv \"$ARGV[0]\" $MD5\n"; 
 +  system "ln -s $MD5 $LINK\n"; 
 +==== Twitter Update ==== 
 + update: A imgA in answer to B imgB #rbsq #shackspace 
 +==== Mail Update ==== 
 +  moin werte fotografen, 
 +  es gibt neues! 
 +  AAAs bild:  
 +  BBBs antwort:  
 +  CCC hat BBBs bild beantwortet und nun ist DDD dran. 
 +  CCCs bild gibts sobald die antwort von DDD da ist. 
 +  timeout ist XXX 
 +==== Mail Task ==== 
 +  moin AAA, 
 +  der zufall will, dass du als naechstes dran bist! 
 +  bitte antworte auf folgendes bild: 
 +  form, farbe, inhalt, thema; mindestens eins sollte passen 
 +  antwort bitte direkt an mich. 
 +  timeout: 
friedhof/rainbow_square.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020-07-20 12:07 von neos