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leute:michaelfitzmayer [2013-07-11 19:46] – [Personal Information] [2018-09-15 17:10] – Minor overhaul mupf
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Michael Fitzmayer ====== ====== Michael Fitzmayer ======
 ===== Personal Information ===== ===== Personal Information =====
-|{{}} |Name: | Michael Fitzmayer|+|{{}} |Name: | Michael Fitzmayer|
 |::: |Blog: |☥ [[|]]| |::: |Blog: |☥ [[|]]|
 |::: |Birthplace:   |Ludwigsburg| |::: |Birthplace:   |Ludwigsburg|
-|::: |Day of birth: |October 29th| +|::: |Residence:    |Benningen am Neckar
-|::: |Residence:    |Marbach am Neckar+
-|::: |Job:          |SMT Operator | +
 ===== Hobbies and interests ===== ===== Hobbies and interests =====
-  Technology: +    my family of course, 
-    * [[|Physical computing]]+    * two-stroke engines and classic mopeds
-    * Webdesign. +    * programming (C learning Haskell), 
- +    * electronics and ham radio.
-  * Music: +
-    * See for yourself: [[|]]. +
- +
-  * Other: +
-    * I also have a life (prio. = ∞). :+
-    * Sorting the universe. +
 ===== Projects ===== ===== Projects =====
-==== Art and Lifestyle ==== +==== Archive ==== 
-^Codename                                        ^Description                                              ^Status^ +^Codename ^Description ^Status^ 
-|[[project:magical-portraits|Magical portraits]] |Interior decoration inspired by the Harry Potter movies. |done| +|[[project:magical-portraits|Magical portraits]] |Interior decoration inspired by the Harry Potter movies.|archived
- +|[[|SNESoIP]]|The Super Nintendo ethernet adapter.|archived
-==== Electronics-related ==== +|[[friedhof:project:pick-n-place|pick and place]]|All about our very own pick and place machine.|archived
-^Codename                                 ^Description                                                   ^Status^ +|[[project:gps|GPS]]|Affordable GPS technology for the masses.|archived|
-|Quickdev16                               |Hacking 16-bit of awesomeness.                                |active           +
-|[[project:arcade-cabs|Arcade cabs]]      |shackspace goes classic gaming                              |active again     +
-|[[project:pick-n-place|pick and place]]  |All about our very own pick and place machine.                |active again     +
-|[[project:gps|GPS]]                      |Affordable GPS technology for the masses.                     |in queue         |+
 |-||| |-|||
-|[[project:bijouboard|bijouboard]]        |An ultra cheap and small development platform.                |obsolete/canceled+|[[project:bijouboard|bijouboard]]|An ultra cheap and small development platform.|archived
-|[[|USBasp]] |Single-sided through-hole USBasp.                |done/updated     | +|[[|USBasp]]|Single-sided through-hole USBasp.|archived|
-|-||| +
-|[[project:wdm|World Domination Map]]     |It's just the beginning.                                      |stagnated?       | +
- +
-==== Miscellaneous ==== +
-^Codename                                      ^Description                                                                      ^Status^ +
-|[[|]] | Wordpress 3 implementation of the new webdesign by [[leute:susannebauer|Susi]]. | nobody knows |+