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Heather, thanks for the enojniyg!Dear HM, I am very glad you survived the mugging!I take it all back I think it's time for you to leave. With a signal like that from the Universe !In the past, when I have been reluctant to move on from places it was time to leave, Stuff started happening. One time my husband was attacked by a neighbour's dog and ended up in hospital (outpatients) having stitches and tetanus injection. That was the worst, and it turned out to be a matter of urgent timing that we should get to our next destination just when it became available. Other times, other things would start going wrong, things connected with the place itself. It always turned out to be for the best that we moved. One never knows what surprises are around the corner.And indeed, I have found something similar also when it's time for relationships to end. Some have only so far they can go. Listen to the whispers before they become shouts. I think you just got shouted at.

plenum120906.1349261334.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2012-10-03 12:48 von