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projects:barjokes [2011-05-19 10:52] ::ffff: [2017-06-15 16:48] (aktuell) – gelöscht pcopfer
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Projekt Barjokes ====== 
-Gesucht werden Witze nach dem Motto "XYZ walks into a bar". 
-====== Sammlung ====== 
-  * A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and says 'Can I join you?' 
-  * A dog walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "How about a drink?" The bartender says, "Sure, the toilet is right down the hall."  
-  * A corn stalk walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Wanna hear a good joke?" The corn stalk says, "I'm all ears!" 
-  * A dyslexic guy walks into a bra.  
-  * An IPv6 packet walks into a bar. Nobody talks to him. 
-  * An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, club, nightclub, pub, watering hole, katy perry, lady gaga 
-  * A TCP packet walks in to a bar and says "I want a beer", barman says "you want a beer?", and the TCP packet says "yes, a beer".