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Images of Mara circulated at AeNB12 in printed form, usually edited to be notes about handling of equipment or with simple but not so polite questions in dutch language like „Nederlandse klootzak, praat je het?“ It is feared that one day there will be an ultimate Mara-shitstorm which renders the weitgehend wertlos


Mara is an image board meme, originating from a famous german image board. She got famous because her dad is a talented hobby photographer who posted the usual family photos on flickr, besides some humoristic images that aren't that usual. One image shows Mara and her brother with their Toy Harry Potter and Adolf Hitler action figures, another shows Mara holding a stack of non-child-literature (like Lolita, Madam Bovary and American Psycho). Accidentially, a Bernd stumbled over the images of the cute Loli and started posting. Mara herself doesn't care (or know anything) about image boards or hackerspaces at all.

meme/mara.1314091701.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011-08-23 11:28 von ::ffff: