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You don't say where you live, and that can make a BIG difference in how much sueccss you would have growing in a greenhouse in winter. I live in Minnesota, where of course it gets really cold and days are short. I worked in a hydroponic greenhouse here, and we grew only greens, lettuces, kale, the winter. Spring through fall we grew tomatoes, basil, peppers and other greens, but they just won't grow in the winter, there isn't enough light. It also costs a lot of money to heat a greenhouse in winter, so do your homework before you make a decision. I should say that you can add supplemental lighting to a greenhouse in winter, but again it is very expensive.

rezept/caramelized_cocktail_tomatoes.1351810779.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2012-11-01 23:59 von