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Omnidirectional Antenna

I've started experimenting with this antenna type because it was proposed by some people as a good sollution as long as we are in Receiving mode. Here's what I found.

Groundplane Antenna

We had already tried this type of Antenna but made an error in the calculations. Since data we gathered is thus worthless, we should redo all things about this antenna type.

The antenna should be a <m>lambda / 4</m> antenna and thus Wavelength is ~ 275.04 mm, a quarter wavelength is ~ 68,76 mm.

Thus the antenna should look like this:

The lenght of the antenna should be lambda/4, the lenght of the ground-wires should also be.

German wikipedia (article Groundplane Antenna 2011-01-01, 3am says, the ground wires should be in a 135 degree angle from the antenna wire to match 50 Ohms.

TODO: test the antenna.

More Gain

project/hgg/antenna_design/omidirectional.1325387116.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2012-01-01 04:05 von