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Hmmm I wonder! While I don't ralley know very much about SOPA (I've only seen bits and pieces about it), nor very much about hackers I am intrigued with the thought of a 2nd alternative to what I'm hearing might become a nightmare when/if SOPA gets fully implemented in the existing internet. I'm also pretty clueless as to how such a thing could actually be done. It seems the big corporations who own and operate the various infrastructures to process and move all the data that makes the web what it is will likely have lots to say about just who can access and use those resources unless the alternative internet was completely underground and available only through risky, illegal channels that somehow ride along piggy-back style on the back of the existing web(?). Sorry this is way over my head I'll put it to rest now. I hope whatever happens just doesn't completely destroy my individual access to what has become a resource that would be difficult to be without.

project/hgg/antenna_design/omidirectional.1332746154.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2012-03-26 09:15 von