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Thing is, I probably wdloun't read it if Charlie wrote it. He so thoroughly ruined the Family Trade series for me in the last book that I probably can't read anything remotely contemporary from him any more. But if JB here were to write it .There's been a discussion most of today on the Stirling list, and everyone is focused on what Israel will do with/to Germany. I think they're missing a bet there may be six million Jews vulnerable to the Holocaust, but there are 7+ million Israelis that have to be worried about first. They have absolutely no doubt what their neighbors want to do to them (and in 1940, the efforts to dislodge them have been going on for twelve years), so their first concern has to be securing their own borders in a hostile region.So I suspect their impact on WW-II would be more providing useful information to the Allies and very little active participation in the war itself they can't afford it, they need to look to their own defenses.

friedhof/infrastruktur/lager/lick.1343290775.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2012-07-26 10:19 von