Writing It Down Makes It Science
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? (1)
Figuratively you could argue that your hacks/projects didn't happen without providing documentation - or at least the documentation would add significant value by enabling others to not make the same mistakes or advancing directly on your foundation.
If you happen to have a list of thing that you always wanted to write documentation on at some point - seize this opportunity and do it.
Status of the project or even if it was a success or not is irrelevant.
Cult of done-manifesto +
As supporters of the Cult of done-manifesto we thought it needed a small addition
- There are three states of being. Not knowing, action and completion.
- Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done.
- There is no editing stage.
- Pretending you know what you're doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what you're doing even if you don't and do it.
- Banish procrastination. If you wait more than a week to get an idea done, abandon it.
- The point of being done is not to finish but to get other things done.
- Once you're done you can throw it away.
- Laugh at perfection. It's boring and keeps you from being done.
- People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing something makes you right.
- Failure counts as done. So do mistakes.
- Destruction is a variant of done.
- If you have an idea and publish it on the internet, that counts as a ghost of done
- Done is the engine of more.
- Writing it down makes it science. (2)
documentation hints
- Projektnamen ausdenken.
- Sammeln was schon da ist:
- PCBs
- Sample Output
- Bilder
- Plaene
- Text
- Bilder machen nachholen und auf ein Bilder-Portal stellen:
- Google+ Bilder (einfachste Moeglichkeit)
- oder twitter bilder oder mit ins git repo
- (optional) Code auf github oder not github stellen
- Lizenz drauf (und wenn es nur WTFPL ist)wtfpl
- Readme schreiben
- Wofuer ist das ding und was tut es?
- Was braucht man fuer die Installation/ den Zusammenbau
- Wie wird es verwendet/gestartet
- Im Internet damit angeben:
- Auf eurem Twitter/Facebook/IRC euer Fertiges Projekt posten
- Evtl nen Blog Post draus machen?
- Evtl nach Hackaday?
Session 1: härter-dokumentieren Sonntag
- Sonntag, 6.10.2013 - 14-20Uhr
- Attendance –makefu
- Stickmaschinenlicht –ttb
- WoodWoob –Phil 3.
- shackpranger - tumblr –exco (Migration + Initial Commit aus gesammelten Werken)
- Players?
- hackerspace_wanderkiste –exco
friedhof/writing_it_down_makes_it_science.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020-07-20 13:05 von neos