


OBAI Brause

Workshop #1 Ergebnis

  1. Sugar 77%
  2. Guarana 12%
  3. Citric Acid 5.3%
  4. Sodiumbicarbonate 2.6%
  5. Aroma 1.7%
  6. Caffeine 1.4%

CA:SBC ratio should be 2.2:1 for optimal chemical reaction

Shopping List and Stock for 30c3

Target: 10 kg final product = 2800 units of 3.5 g

Item Amount Done
Label Sticker 3000 pcs
Sugar 8 kg
Guarana 1.2 kg
Citric Acid 700 g
Sodiumbicarbonate 2.2 kg
Aroma Cherry/Green Apple 250 g
Aroma Berries 250 g
Caffeine 180 g
Maltodextrin 1.5 kg
Gel-pill blanks, size 0500 pcs
Gel-pill filling helper, size 01 pc
PC tubes 12×75 mm 3000 pcs
Plugs 12 mm, blue 3000 pcs
Nitril gloves L 300 pcs
Nitril gloves M 300 pcs
Single use spoons
Plastic bowls
Saran wrap
Paper towels
Bucket (for cleaning water)
m1k3y's filling machine
Tube holders
Safety goggles
Safety datasheets
Instruction sheets
Safety waver form
Cash box



Reverse engineer dat shit

Values known with OHAI being the direct source are printed in bold.

Order of ingredients by weight: Zucker, Guarana Extrakt (Träger: Maltodextrin, 2.5g Coffein/100g Brause), Citronensäure, Natriumbicarbonat, Maltodextrin, Aromen (Source: 1)

Assuming all caffeine is added specifically and not attributed to guarana (this is wrong):

Ingredient Weight [g] Calories [kcal] Comment Sources
Sugar 3 124 kcal/g 1,3
Guarana extract 0.621 kcal/g, 4-6% caffeine 1,5,6
- Maltodextrin 1.55 63.87 kcal/g 1,4
- Caffeine 0.125 1,2
Citric acid 1
Sodium bicarbonat 1
Aroma 1
unaccounted 0.325 0
Total 5 18 1,2

If all caffeine content is from guarana alone there's between 2.08 g and 3.125 g of guarana in the mix (100 / [4,6] % * 0.125 g) (source: 5). This would also add between 1.29 g and 1.94 g of starch ([2.08, 3.125] g * 0.621 gkcal/g) which would amount to between 4.54 to 6.81 kcal (source: 6).

Ingredient Weight [g] Calories [kcal] Comment Sources
Sugar 3 124 kcal/g 1,3
Guarana extract 2.08-3.125 4.54-6.810.621 kcal/g, 4-6% caffeine 1,5,6
- Maltodextrin 3.87 kcal/g 1,4
- Caffeine 0.125 1,2
Citric acid 1
Sodium bicarbonat 1
Aroma 1
unaccounted -[0.08-1.125] 0
Total 5 18 1,2


  1. OHAI package

Other sources and recipes

The ratio of key ingredients is denoted as sodiumbicarbonate/citric acid/sugar

    1. 0.5 tsp baking powder
    2. 1 tsp citric acid
    3. 2.5 tbsp powdered sugar
    1. 20 g Natron
    2. 40 g Apfelsäure (Acidum malicum)
    3. 40 g Sorbit (Statt des Sorbit kann auch 20 Gramm Feinzucker verwendet werden.)
    4. 5 drop Ätherisches natürliches Zitronen- oder alternativ Orangenöl
    5. 1 g Speisefarbenpulver - jeweils nach Wunsch
    1. 0.004 tbsp (3 Messerspitzen) Natronpulver
    2. 1 tbsp Wein- oder Zitronensäure
    3. 1 tbsp Zucker
    4. 1 tbsp Instant-Götterspeise
    1. 0.5 tsp Natron
    2. 0.5 tsp Zitronensäure
    3. 3 heaped tsp Zucker
    4. getrocknetes Aroma
    1. 1 tsp baking soda
    2. 1 tsp citric acid
    3. 2 tsp icing sugar
    4. 3 tsp jelly crystals (any flavour you like)
    1. 1 tsp baking soda
    2. 1 tsp citric acid
    3. 1 cup icing sugar
friedhof/obai_brause.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020-07-20 11:41 von neos