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Andreas,I *really* don't appreciate your skanry, condescending attitude. I just wrote a very flattering, positive review about your wiki engine and you sound annoyed with me over a single, extremely minor factual error. If you have a problem with something on this — or any other — blog, it's appropriate to leave a polite comment describing the issue of contention. I always do my best to correct any errors on the site. But your exasperated sighs and condescension are not appreciated and will not garner any sort of action from me on the main article.That sort of behavior is borderline trolling, and the next time it happens I will ban you from commenting here. Because, frankly, I'm sick of it. And I'm not putting up with it anymore.-systemsboy

friedhof/wikifunktionen.1349411563.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2012-10-05 06:32 von